Connect your data in one central place
Speckle is the glue to all your existing software packages
Built for developers, loved by designers
Easily create and run automations to leave less room for errors and more room for creativity.
Your CI/CD pipelines in AEC
Create custom functions to save countless working hours.

Create reliable functions for your colleagues
Share and deploy functions that simplify complex tasks, improving team collaboration and productivity.

Enterprise ready
Scale your impact: run your custom logic across multiple projects, teams, and departments.

Distribute your expertise
Reduce manual effort and save time by automating tasks across multiple projects and teams.

Create private functions and enable secure data workflows
Build and manage secure, customised functions to protect sensitive data and enhance workflow efficiency.
You don't need to worry about files anymore
Move data with ease in less than 5 clicks using the most famous AEC plugins.

“Speckle brought huge benefits to myself and my team. It’s at the heart of everything we do.” - Arthur Chan, Structural Engineer at Arup

A better way to communicate in AEC
Share your projects with key stakeholders in real time.